Mulching isn’t always viewed in a good light, as it conjures up images of untidy clippings and leaves, packed into our beautifully manicured garden beds.
Truth is, we couldn’t do more good for our gardens! By mulching, we protect the moisture from escaping during times of little or no rain, and it has the added benefit of keeping weeds at bay.
Mulching has also become “pretty” as one has so much more choice than before, e.g. beautiful pebbles, bark chips and even broken nut shells. The clippings and leaves do so much more than just mulch, because over time, they slowly, slowly break down and becomes compost to your garden.
So let’s face it, we all have leaves we could use at no cost to ourselves but which adds huge value to our gardens. Make it your mission in future to sweep the garden leaves from your driveways into the garden beds, not into black bags!